Monday, August 30, 2010

And we're back.

I took a break from blogging because I was having trouble locating our camera battery charger, but I FOUND IT yesterday! Here are some highlights from the last couple of weeks:

- Wilson requested the Tom and Jerry movie that "makes his peepee hurt"...apparently that translates into "makes it wiggle when he laughs"...oh my, can I really handle raising two boys?

- Zen Brown, Matt Brunk, and Thomas Campbell came to our house for a week while they played in the Pro-Am Tournament at MCC. We enjoyed them so much and loved meeting the other golfers at our BBQ friday night. Matt and Keli's guest, Andrew, hit a ball from our house into the center of the concrete climber in the park! We even had a "60" cake for Judd to celebrate his record score!

- I had some carpets shampooed only to come home to a loose dog(Riley) running freely around the house and a giant bird flying around the garage while the door to the house was wide open...I was not in love with her that evening.

- Mandy, Larry and Parker came over for dinner and a playdate! We drank beer and wine on the patio while the kiddos went crazy...Mandy even found a pet snake in our yard:)

- Dusty and I took the boys to Rock the Leaves at Oak Park for some live music. Drew was bopping his legs the whole time and Wilson almost got away with peeing on a tree...thank God I caught him in time to pull up his shorts and get to the bathroom. We were standing in a big crowd right next to a police officer - we definitely need to keep working on "Appropriate places to pee outside:" vs. "Inappropriate places to pee outside:"!

- Drew started pulling himself into a standing position last week - he's getting way too big and has a personality to match it!

Here is the only photo I've taken recently...I took it as a reminder to always wash the boys' clothes first as they typically have food on them. Warning: this may make you sick! It is a fuzzy mound of mold...I really hope I'm not the only mother this has ever happened to!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Clean cars, sick baby!

Poor Drewbie...sick all weekend! Doesn't he look miserable? He has a sinus infection and two big top incisors coming down. We were up ALL night on Saturday.

It's hard to get a photo of a baby on the move...

He stopped to rest!!

Our little helper!

A rose in the front yard...

I haven't seen this trunk empty for a LONG time.

Or this one...

Gramma and Papa stopped by to hold Drew so that we could run to Target and buy Motrin for him. Wilson picked out a new game with a Buzz Lightyear gun, which we played several times before bed! Drew slept a little better on Sunday and Monday night, but we're still trying to catch up.
Zen Brown, our pro golfer friend, came on Monday night and will be here for a week while playing in the ProAm at MCC. He has two friends coming later in the week so Wilson will get lots of attention!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Is there a Harvard School of Engineering??

Wilson is constantly coming up with new ideas!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Strawberry Lake!

We went to celebrate Aunt Sheila's birthday on Saturday...we got to see Great Grandpa Ken, Uncle Ronnie, the Palczewski family, the Copeland family and Audrey and Caleb!

Wilson was quite the fisherman!

And Drewbie was kind of a ham!

He LOVED Karly's braces!

I think we trained him too well - Drew is "sooo big" several times a day!

And I think Grandpa David trained Wilson a little too well also!

Drew kept dipping his face into the water!

Nap time for two of us...directly in front of the was a very hot day!
Cousin Caleb!

Erica's kids: Tiana and Malachi

Note Wilson's squawking in the background;)

And he's done...time to head home!