Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Clean cars, sick baby!

Poor Drewbie...sick all weekend! Doesn't he look miserable? He has a sinus infection and two big top incisors coming down. We were up ALL night on Saturday.

It's hard to get a photo of a baby on the move...

He stopped to rest!!

Our little helper!

A rose in the front yard...

I haven't seen this trunk empty for a LONG time.

Or this one...

Gramma and Papa stopped by to hold Drew so that we could run to Target and buy Motrin for him. Wilson picked out a new game with a Buzz Lightyear gun, which we played several times before bed! Drew slept a little better on Sunday and Monday night, but we're still trying to catch up.
Zen Brown, our pro golfer friend, came on Monday night and will be here for a week while playing in the ProAm at MCC. He has two friends coming later in the week so Wilson will get lots of attention!

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