Monday, August 30, 2010

And we're back.

I took a break from blogging because I was having trouble locating our camera battery charger, but I FOUND IT yesterday! Here are some highlights from the last couple of weeks:

- Wilson requested the Tom and Jerry movie that "makes his peepee hurt"...apparently that translates into "makes it wiggle when he laughs"...oh my, can I really handle raising two boys?

- Zen Brown, Matt Brunk, and Thomas Campbell came to our house for a week while they played in the Pro-Am Tournament at MCC. We enjoyed them so much and loved meeting the other golfers at our BBQ friday night. Matt and Keli's guest, Andrew, hit a ball from our house into the center of the concrete climber in the park! We even had a "60" cake for Judd to celebrate his record score!

- I had some carpets shampooed only to come home to a loose dog(Riley) running freely around the house and a giant bird flying around the garage while the door to the house was wide open...I was not in love with her that evening.

- Mandy, Larry and Parker came over for dinner and a playdate! We drank beer and wine on the patio while the kiddos went crazy...Mandy even found a pet snake in our yard:)

- Dusty and I took the boys to Rock the Leaves at Oak Park for some live music. Drew was bopping his legs the whole time and Wilson almost got away with peeing on a tree...thank God I caught him in time to pull up his shorts and get to the bathroom. We were standing in a big crowd right next to a police officer - we definitely need to keep working on "Appropriate places to pee outside:" vs. "Inappropriate places to pee outside:"!

- Drew started pulling himself into a standing position last week - he's getting way too big and has a personality to match it!

Here is the only photo I've taken recently...I took it as a reminder to always wash the boys' clothes first as they typically have food on them. Warning: this may make you sick! It is a fuzzy mound of mold...I really hope I'm not the only mother this has ever happened to!

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