Sunday, August 8, 2010

Strawberry Lake!

We went to celebrate Aunt Sheila's birthday on Saturday...we got to see Great Grandpa Ken, Uncle Ronnie, the Palczewski family, the Copeland family and Audrey and Caleb!

Wilson was quite the fisherman!

And Drewbie was kind of a ham!

He LOVED Karly's braces!

I think we trained him too well - Drew is "sooo big" several times a day!

And I think Grandpa David trained Wilson a little too well also!

Drew kept dipping his face into the water!

Nap time for two of us...directly in front of the was a very hot day!
Cousin Caleb!

Erica's kids: Tiana and Malachi

Note Wilson's squawking in the background;)

And he's done...time to head home!

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