Wednesday, September 22, 2010

One last weekend home before winter...

A big THANK YOU to both sets of grandparents for helping us get to MN one last time before winter hits! The boys and I had such a fun weekend!

Some people say Drew looks like his mom...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wilson's thoughts on a morning of Interior Design meetings in Minneapolis...

No words necessary.

Go Twins!

Daddy was at the Twins game on Saturday with Magic City Beverage, so Wilson and I used Grandma and Grandpa's tickets to join him! It was a great fall day and Wilson had a blast!

However, he wasn't interested in a family photo...

Wilson likes to use the camera to take his own's one of Marvin and Marlow!

His Godmother, Bridget, was at the game too...bonus for us!

Wilson and Mommy on our way out of the stadium.

His new helmet!

A rowdy bunch of college friends that got Wilson all riled up:)

We met Grandpa David on 6th Street and walked to the car...Wilson barely made it home to take his nap...what a fun day!
P.S. Thank you Grandma June for watching Drewbie ALL weekend!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Yesterday, while driving home from daycare, Wilson said:

"Call or click today!" and then...

"There's smart, and there's Kmart smart."

He watches approximately 1 hour of tv every day and it's always "Dora" or "Diego" or something else very sweet and calm. This is not good...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Drew's ban on baby food.

Drew has banned baby food and also letting others feed him. At a doctor's appointment a couple of months ago, the pediatrician was surprised to see him self-feeding with a jar of baby corn puffs - Drew seems very independent already.

He is so content trying new foods in his highchair!

He even tasted Grandma and Grandpa's garden cherry tomotoes! Who's child is this??

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

Our Labor Day weekend included a quick visit from Grandma and Grandpa Wilson! We played and ate ribs on Friday night, and the boys went to Strawberry Lake on Saturday. Grandma and I took Drew to the mall for a bit and then we had a really great dinner at Pat and Sandy's! Sunday and Monday were lazy days, although we did take the dogs to the warehouse and have Aeyden over for a playdate.

Thank you Grandpa David for the shots of Drew's chubby baby figure:)

Let me go...I wanna race!
Daddy's winning!
Wait for me!

Wilson talks weekly about being a builder when he grows up!

So proud of his creation...he made sure that I got a picture of his horse all hooked up so that he won't get away:)

Uh oh, what's Wilson "hooking up" now?

Taking Drewbie for a ride!

Save me, Grandma!

Wilson's growth chart at the new house! He has gotten so long and lean in the last year - I can't believe we have a little boy rather than a toddler now!
Drew is growing everyday too...he loves to crawl around and pull himself up on the bookcase. He pulls down books, games, anything that looks fun!