Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

Our Labor Day weekend included a quick visit from Grandma and Grandpa Wilson! We played and ate ribs on Friday night, and the boys went to Strawberry Lake on Saturday. Grandma and I took Drew to the mall for a bit and then we had a really great dinner at Pat and Sandy's! Sunday and Monday were lazy days, although we did take the dogs to the warehouse and have Aeyden over for a playdate.

Thank you Grandpa David for the shots of Drew's chubby baby figure:)

Let me go...I wanna race!
Daddy's winning!
Wait for me!

Wilson talks weekly about being a builder when he grows up!

So proud of his creation...he made sure that I got a picture of his horse all hooked up so that he won't get away:)

Uh oh, what's Wilson "hooking up" now?

Taking Drewbie for a ride!

Save me, Grandma!

Wilson's growth chart at the new house! He has gotten so long and lean in the last year - I can't believe we have a little boy rather than a toddler now!
Drew is growing everyday too...he loves to crawl around and pull himself up on the bookcase. He pulls down books, games, anything that looks fun!

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