Monday, September 20, 2010

Go Twins!

Daddy was at the Twins game on Saturday with Magic City Beverage, so Wilson and I used Grandma and Grandpa's tickets to join him! It was a great fall day and Wilson had a blast!

However, he wasn't interested in a family photo...

Wilson likes to use the camera to take his own's one of Marvin and Marlow!

His Godmother, Bridget, was at the game too...bonus for us!

Wilson and Mommy on our way out of the stadium.

His new helmet!

A rowdy bunch of college friends that got Wilson all riled up:)

We met Grandpa David on 6th Street and walked to the car...Wilson barely made it home to take his nap...what a fun day!
P.S. Thank you Grandma June for watching Drewbie ALL weekend!

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